October 2, 2024 VALAWAI

VALAWAI organises a project meeting at the upcoming ECAI 2024 conference in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The session will take place on 18th October, and includes a variety of lectures, debates, and strategy panification.


Place: To be confirmed

  • 14:00: Welcome words and setting the state of play — Carles Sierra (IIIA-CSIC)
  • 14:15: Neuroscience without representations — Oscar Vilarroya (IMIM)
  • 14:45: The structure of information flow in aware complex systems — Luis Marcos (IMIM)
  • 15:15: Large Language Models: the illusion of awareness — Tony Belpaeme (UGent)
    • 15:45 Coffee Break
  • 16:15: My view — Luc Steels
  • 15:45: Debate on the presentations
  • 16:15: Planning the next months
  • 17:00: Closing of the meeting
    20:00 Diner (each one pays for their meal)